What is Name numerology ?
Name numerology is very important while set the frequency of Name set up. one should have to set the name on 1,3,5,& 6 numbers because this are the best universal numbers. Same like in name numerology Your first name and last name has to be match with your driver and conductor. In name numerology compound , sound & vibration are very important while set up name correction.
In name numerology medical pronology is also very important while set up the name.
Never ever set the name on anti numbers like 1-8,2-8,3-6,8-1,8-2,6-3. Same like opposite Numbers 2-4,4-2,4-9 & 9-4. Last but not least you can’t set numbers on struggling number that is 4-4,8-8,2-9, 9-2 ,9-9 & 7-7.
Through name set up with proper frequency we can set the balance name and this way person can get the desire result in specific time when time is favourable.
You can also do name correction if name is not proper. Same like New Name desing u can set based on their lucky no or zodiac sign wise.
You can set the name correction and design of business Name as well.
Once u set the name you can write to minimum 45 days with Red colour pen with capital letters to active the new name frequency so that person can get desired result once time means favourable PY & PM coming.
Through name set up you can also identify person strength and weakness based on just seeing alphabet and position of each letters in Name.
This is very power occult science method of Numerology that is now a days everyone take the guidance and change their name and people get result once appropriate time comes. But most important is that when name is proper set up person get desire result in their life. Make sure good karma and hard work along with name set up all three match then result will come in more accurate level.
– Analysis , Research , Knowledge by Nayantt J Desaii.